My Farm Layout

I've been playing Stardew Valley around 40+ hours and after being quite diligent and emphasizing efficiency each day. My farm looks a little like this.

Personally, I prefer a clean look to the open world and decided to put all my kegs, cheese presses etc in their respective buildings. For example, the cheese presses will be found inside the Barn because the cows produce the milk that is required to make cheese.

I have a large area at the bottom that does not occupy any space currently because I have yet to decide how I want to expand my farm but finding hay can be quite tricky if you have used up your entire farm space.

Another thing is that I spent a lot of time fishing, mining and completing quests so the farm was something I only focused on at the beginning and middle of each season. The Community Center was always generous and helped you start up new ideas on your farm by providing you with equipment. I recommend that you focus on the Community Center during your first year of Stardew Valley.

The page that I used to create a plan of my farm was linked in a previous post of mine.

Good luck!


JustEmmaculate is primarily a gaming blog that talks about Hearthstone, League of Legends and Stardew Valley.

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