What's your favourite champion?

What's your favourite champion?

I thought I'll make it role specific to me so I decided to pick a support champion. There are many champions that have cute skins or have a great design concept but my favourite champion to play is Leona. If you know me then that's really surprising. (Sarcasm intended)

Leona is an extremely aggressive melee support. She has no escapes but has a lot of stuns. She isn't a mechanically difficult champion to play but I find that she is very good in lane even though she isn't a Tier 1 pick. Leona has accompanied me in a good few hundred games and has not let me down. I think of her as a loyal friend and that's exactly what she is in lane. She is loyal to her ADC; putting down all her stuns and trusting her fellow Bot Lane partner to follow her lead. With no escapes, Leona takes a lot of risks. It's important to have good decision making when you play an aggressive support or else you may lose your lane. 

Personally, if you are in low Elo or are wanting a champion to learn the fundamental mechanics of the support role, I'd say she's your lady! Support requires you to understand the game a little better than most of your team mates. Decision making is crucial for this role along with map awareness. For me, I learnt these skills through Leona because I knew that I had to understand what my situation is or predict where the enemy Jungler may be. It's a high risk high reward kind of thing with the Radiant Dawn.

On top of that, Leona is portrayed as quite a "strong" woman. She wears a lot of armour and carries a sword. Most of her skins portray this except the Pool Party one. I find that I like the concept of the woman being strong yet graceful, which is why I find it hard to pick another female champion to play support.

Let's talk skins shall we? Leona has a decent amount of skins but my favourite ones are Pool Party, Iron Solari and Project.

Pool Party is the only skin that gives Leona a feminine vibe. It makes her seem more elegant! Project is quite cool because it makes her look futuristic and her splash art just screams badass. While Iron Solari is my first ever Leona skin, I find that it makes her seem powerful and the colour scheme complements her image.

And that's all I got for now! Of course, there are other champions that were very close to being my favourite and the well deserved recognition shall be given here, in no particular order:

1. Vayne - If you don't think playing a Night Hunter is cool, then what is life?
2. Braum - The manliest of them all!
3. Ahri - A crowd favourite
4. Orianna - She's adorable with her ballerina moves!
5. Thresh - Sinister but that Death Sentence can win games.

What's your favourite champion?


JustEmmaculate is primarily a gaming blog that talks about Hearthstone, League of Legends and Stardew Valley.

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