Aggro Shaman Decklist

Now that the new expansion has settled itself into the Tavern, I have attempted a multiple variations of Tempo Mage. Sadly, my attempts led me to find that it wasn't as strong as the previous Tempo,which resulted in me finding alternatives in other classes.

You guessed it, I landed into the Shaman Class. Aggro Shaman is something that gained popularity due to the new Standard format. After watching many tournaments that had players using variations of Aggro Shaman, I was inspired to try it out myself.  Playing a class that I never thought of playing was quite challenging because there were a few differences that required me to adjust my play style. Shaman is not as aggressive as a mage and needs to sacrifice its minions in order to keep an advantage. Also overloading is something that requires skill - I'm serious! You need to plan ahead for Shaman which encourages you to improve your game knowledge as your predict your opponent's moves.  I found it quite hard to climb initially due to my unfamiliarity of the deck and the current meta but perseverance and determination allowed me to be successful.

I hope you too give Shaman a chance and surprise yourself at how it resembles a Tempo Mage to a certain extent.

Lightning Bolt x2
Rockbiter Weapon x2
Abusive Sergeant x2
Argent Squire
Sir Finley Mrgglton
Tunnel Trogg
Ancestral Knowledge
Eternal Sentinel x2
Flame Juggler x2
Flametongue Totem x2
Feral Spirit x2
Lava Burst x2
Argent Horserider x2
Tuskarr Totemic 
Flamewreathed Faceless x2
Doomhammer x2


JustEmmaculate is primarily a gaming blog that talks about Hearthstone, League of Legends and Stardew Valley.

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