My League Pet Peeves

Disclaimer: I am not a professional but I have common sense.

Returning to League of Legends after my hiatus, I finished my placements and started to learn a new role, ADC. I've been a Support main for a good year now and I require a secondary role for when I play ranked. Mind you, I don't trust people with support a lot because I have experienced too many players that think "Oh, I main Top only but Support is easy enough. I can play it without any preparation". I hope that if you have a mentality like that, that the Gods of Match Making never put us on the same team. I have had my fair share of rage during this game because League is not the nicest of games, in all honesty. In fact, it's not for the faint-hearted. So I've complied a short list with things that frustrate me even though they can be easily fixed.

Let the rant begin.

1) Theory Crafting in action 

Theory crafting allows you to think of all the possibilities that you can build on a champion in a specific role. However, people forget that also includes masteries and runes. Why is it so hard to google a professional's masteries or even runes if you are unsure of what to do or need confirmation? Nothing is more annoying than picking the wrong keystone or runes on a champion. It only takes a couple of seconds before the game to ensure that things are proper and for keystones you can easily change it during champ select. Wrong keystones, masteries and runes can lose you your early game. Why people don't want to win? I don't know either.

Another thing is builds. Again something you can easily look up without a hassle on For example, the other day I was playing bot lane and my enemy Twitch thought it would be a great idea to build Berserker's Greaves first. What the actual.... Who on Earth would even decide to do that? I know for a fact that most people watch professionals to learn about the game yet they can't apply their knowledge to what they do. It's a shame really because I see this happen way too often. Sometimes I decide to explain myself, aka flame, but it never ends well with stubborn idiots. At least I had good intentions right?

2) The 1 v 5.

Whether this person is ahead with kills/CS or super behind, they feel like Son Goku and feel the urge to take on the ENTIRE enemy team. You may feel like Son Goku just because you respawn at base but think about it logically. Do you really think that you can dodge every skill shot, every autoattack, have infinite life/regeneration? I honestly don't understand people like this. What goes on through your mind? Common sense, where are thou?

3) AFKing, especially early game.

Why ruin my game? Why would you queue up if you needed to go to the toilet? If you needed to finish a Hearthstone game? If you are messaging someone a lot? Why do you feel the need to ruin other people's games? Completing your initial task and then queuing up probably increases your chance of winning by a huge amount. That's only because you are paying attention! There have been so many games where I play support and my ADC is AFK at base. That really annoys me. The ADC is Batman, I need Batman to save Gotham. I might be Robin but let's be real.. Batman > Robin.

What really annoys me are Junglers. Junglers, why do you AFK when I am taking my time to help you out with your first camp? You are taking me for granted and then you also go ahead and give away first blood because of an invade! Not only can that kill advantage be extremely annoying when you are playing Bot Lane but it can already determine the outcome of the game - a beautiful red defeat screen and a waste of 20 minutes and effort. Time is valuable when you are trying to climb; seasons don't last forever.

4) New Champions.

Aurelion Sol has just been released. I already felt my heart drop when I saw the announcement. It's not that I am not excited about new champions but I hate hate hate when people play a new champion that they have never played before and think is OP in ranked. Hmmm, do you jump into a pool of sharks just because you have never done it before? Let me help you out friend: always ban a new champ - not because it's OP but because of plebs.

5) People that forget to change your summoner spells.

So you are in Champ Select and you aren't given your primary role that you have played for 5 matches. Things happen, sure but you have time to change your summoner spell. Personally, I have experienced it before, It's not a pet peeve exactly but it can affect the game quite strongly. From my perspective as a Support main, I commonly assume that my ADC takes Heal and the ADC assumes I take Ignite or Exhaust. So the one time I played ADC with a random Thresh support, we decide to do the usual "Hit Level 2 engage" tactic which is pretty standard when you play bot lane. I decide to go in hard and blow all my summoners in order to get a double kill but guess what? Yup, MY THRESH IS RUNNING TELEPORT AND FLASH?! .. what? *Enemy Double Kill*. 

Please change your summoner spells before you decide to pick your skin. Your team will appreciate it, in particular during early game.

And that's that! I know that people are new to the game and want to learn new things but some habits don't disappear.

Let me know what annoys you when you play League of Legends.


JustEmmaculate is primarily a gaming blog that talks about Hearthstone, League of Legends and Stardew Valley.

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