Let's talk: Animals!

Any farmer's dream is to own a farm filled with healthy and happy animals! Not only does Stardew Valley let those dreams come true but it also gives you the cutest farm animals out there.
There are no obscure colour schemes in this game so when I say different colours are available, I am most likely referring to the colours: brown and white.

I hope you enjoy my Animal Guide! Personally I prefer having multiples of each animal on my farm. I find that it gives me a more intriguing scenery to look at while I harvest my crops. 

What's your favourite farm animal?

Slimes are another specimen available and can be grown in a Slime Hutch. They are harmful and cause damage to you so watch out! However, you can create slimes by getting a Slime Egg and placing it in a Slime Incubator.

Other animals in the game such as your horse and either your cat or dog are available to ride or pet respectively. The shadows of other animals or crossing paths with other small creatures in Stardew Valley is purely to enhance game experience by creating the feel of a real farm town. These animals include: Owls, Mice, Birds, Frogs, Wild Rabbits, Butterflies and Squirrels. Unfortunately, you can not interact with any of the animals listed.

More information on Farm Buildings can be found here.


JustEmmaculate is primarily a gaming blog that talks about Hearthstone, League of Legends and Stardew Valley.

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