Time runs out on me!

As the Whispers of the Old Gods get louder, specific cards are becoming more and more petrified! So before the whispers become shouts, I wanted to make a tribute to the deck that got me my Golden Mage.

This is my current decklist; mind you, there are many variations to this deck. I'll discuss a few of them down below. I personally prefer a slower aggressive style that allows me to potentially crush my opponent before I reach 10 mana.

As of Emperor Tharuissan,  I put him in my deck as I would classify him as a "Big Minion" and it can cause a threat. This makes it a priority to remove Tharuissan as he discounts precious spells that can be used for complex plays that may include Antonidas synergy, Flamewaker synergy, Sorcerer's synergy and more. This forces the opponent to use removal spells/minions, which allows other minions, such as Dr. Boom and Antonidas.

Variation 1 :

If you prefer a very aggressive playstyle, then you may want to consider this.

Cards removed from above deck:  2 Arcane Intellect, Counterspell, Mirror Entity, Flamecannon, Emperor Thaurissan.

Playing Azure Drakes in your deck can be quite tempting as a tempo mage for the extra spell damage but there are more benefits to the dragons other than +1 damage. Running one Arcane Blast allows you to deal with 4 health minions easily and enabling the chance to maintain the tempo. In addition to this, playing double Effigy as your secrets. However, there is also the option of running a Mirror Image for your early game. Sorcerer's and Mirror Image turn 2? Hell yeah!
A bonus that is sometimes overlooked is the synergy with  Antonidas. Both these spells cost 1 Mana making them ideal for a turn 8 Antonidas.

Effigy should ideally be used on 5 drops as there is a large variety of good 5 drops. For example, Sludge Blecher, Ethereal Conjurer, Azure Drake, Loatheb and the list goes on...
The advantage of having Effigy is that if your opponent burns all their spells to clear your initial board, you'll still have a minion left, which quite frankly screams TEMPO!

Variation 2:

If you prefer a more late-tempo playstyle, then this is the deck for you.

Cards removed from above deck:  2 Arcane Intellects, Counterspell, Mirror Entity, Archmage Antonidas, Flamecannon

For those who do not have Antonidas, you can replace him with Ragnaros.  Beware, this may potentially slow down your deck. Also the secrets get replaced for Duplicate and Forgotten Torch (as if 2 fireballs aren't enough) to maintain tempo. Duplicating your Ethereal Conjurers would be an ideal situation.

Forgotten Torch? Are you sure?

Yes I am since there is no Antonidas in this deck, you don't have an infinite amount of Fireballs at the ready. Forgotten Torch allows you to clear early game minions while having late game potential and the draw for a Fireball increases. Don't forget it's cheaper than a Fireball at 3 Mana.

Some other changes compared to my deck are that there is one less Flamecannon but there is an addition of again Mirror Image and Azure Drake. 

(Personally, I don't really like this type of deck as it gets quite tedious but there are advantages using this deck due to meta reasons.)

Let me know what variation you prefer down below. Make sure to make the most of the Tempo Mage now before the deck changes after the release of the new expansion.

See you soon!


JustEmmaculate is primarily a gaming blog that talks about Hearthstone, League of Legends and Stardew Valley.

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